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If for many, and in particular large companies, the benefits of invoices dematerialization are no longer to be demonstrated, such as the reduction of processing costs and the shortening of payment deadlines, many VSEs / SMEs are still struggling to make the switch to dematerialization because they do not clearly identify the interest of EDI nor do they materialize the time and processing savings. And that’s where Factur-X comes in!


But what is Factur-X?

Factur-X pour les factures électroniques

Factur-X it’s at the same time, a readable invoice in PDF format, containing all the information useful for its processing, and printable (which is still done by many VSEs / SMEs because of the legislation in France) and data from invoice presented in the form of a structured file, complete or not, allowing information systems to carry out automated integration and reconciliation. In short, in addition to the PDF format, Factur-X allows from my invoicing management system (CRM, ERP …) to record certain data of a so-called PDF invoice in the management system of my client and this, to the vouchers affected places.


Thus, Factur-X makes it possible to open up the deployment of electronic invoices more widely, while remaining close to user habits thanks to the readable PDF while allowing integration and automatic processing by customers, according to their needs and capacities. Where the “classic” EDI dematerialization encountered its limits since it did not allow users to have the “readable” side of the invoice.


Factur-X: the new standard in 2019?

Factur-X was presented to service providers and solution providers on June 28 as part of the electronic invoice meetings at GS1 France, in order to enable them to implement it for their customers in the coming months. Factur-X, orchestrated by the FNFE, the National Electronic Invoice Forum, should aim to be the new reference standard in connection with tax dematerialization.


The challenges of the dematerialized invoice

  • In numbers:
    • 5 billion invoices / year in France
    • 20 billion invoices / year in Europe
  • In France, inter-company monies owing represent 600 billion euros. This corresponds to 3.5% of turnover that the supplier must mobilize in addition to its cash.

TX2 CONCEPT is able to provide you with its solution certified by GS1 France.


You want to learn more or find out more about the solutions offered by TX2 CONCEPT, ask us your questions in comments or contact us 😉

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