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The ambition of GS1 France is to co-create a common good with the agri-food sector, which generates value around data, and which benefits market players. This is materialized by an online service: CodeOnline Food. The objective is to centralize the data of agri-food products marketed in France in a structured and harmonized way.

Why CodeOnline Food?

CodeOnline Food comes from a thought on the significant increase in value of product information. Indeed, consumers are increasingly asking for information about their everyday products (product composition, origins, etc.). Nothing like quoting the success of applications such as Yuka, Shopwell or others to explain this new behavior and the desire to “consume / eat better”. For example, 56% of consumers give up on a purchase because of a lack of product information, while one in four city dwellers rely on at least one app to influence their act of purchase. The relationship between manufacturers and end customers is changing.

Brands have therefore realized that it is essential to make this information accessible, but above all that it is necessary to provide it directly.

From this observation, CodeOnline Food was born.

What is CodeOnline Food?

CodeOnline Food is an online service, co-developed by GS1 France and actors of the agri-food sector, which supports businesses, and in particular VSEs and SMEs, in digitizing and structuring their product information. CodeOnline Food is made available to companies belonging to GS1 France in order to create a common good, a source of product data fed exclusively by brands.

CodeOnline Food is a digital database, managed by GS1 France. It is a database for all businesses, which helps improve data quality from one trusted source: the brand. It is also a common core of product data, containing more than 30 pieces of information (GTIN, GLN, brand, market, name, quantity, list of ingredients, storage conditions, country, places where the image is downloaded, diet, labels…).

Who is this platform for?

This platform is aimed at brands (VSEs, SMEs, ETI, GE), distributors / marketplaces, OQALI (joint database of INRA and ANSES), research institutes, consumer applications, etc.

Whether transmitting or receiving, information is necessary for each of them.

What are the benefits?

CodeOnline Food allows brands to give visibility to products but above all to control information. For distributors, it is about supplementing merchant sites by integrating new information, easily finding structured data …

The information is of high quality, reliable and above all, up to date!

How to access the platform?

Several ways are available to access CodeOnline Food.

You are a brand and you need to send your data to the platform, 3 channels are available to publish:

  • GDSN networks via the GS1 electronic catalog
  • CodeOnline API
  • fr online interface

TX2 CONCEPT in all of this?

TX2 CONCEPT offers you via the TX2 WEBCAT platform to make your product data available on CodeOnline Food as you would for other retail partners.

TX2 CONCEPT supports you with its TX2 WEBCAT product data sheet dematerialization solution. This is a secure web portal on which you can manually enter or import from your ERP all the data (characteristics, prices, etc.) of your product sheets.

Our solution checks the mandatory information as well as the accuracy of the data in your product sheets (multiple checks and alerts by email) before they are broadcast on the GDSN * network set up and managed by GS1.

Then all of your files are of course distributed to the various desired major contractors (unlimited number of contractors).

Need to update a product sheet? At each update, all subscribers subscribing to the said file automatically receive its new version.

The advantages of our TX2 WEBCAT solution:

  • Simple, ergonomic and intuitive interface
  • Access to follow-ups of flows and publications
  • Online help for each data to be entered
  • Multilingual support and maintenance

Today, TX2 WEBCAT welcomes more than 300 customers through secure access.

* An export function for files in EXCEL format is also available, for brands that are not yet connected to GDSN.

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