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Employee portrait: Meet Richard Sau – R&D Manager

TX2 CONCEPT would not be the company it is today without the women and men who work there. This is why you will have the opportunity to get to know our employees through interviews. You will discover each of our services and the talents that make them up.

You were able to discover Nicolas Monsacré in our first employee portrait. Today we present to you Richard Sau!


What department do you work in and what is your current position?

I am currently Manager of the R&D department which is made up of 6 employees and myself.


What are your main missions?

My main missions are to manage the company’s research and development team, to design and develop new products and services but also to maintain and improve existing ones.


How long have you been working at TX2 CONCEPT?

I discovered TX2 CONCEPT in 2005 as part of my end of DUT internship. Then, I came back with a permanent contract in September 2008, a little over 15 years ago.


What is your background (educational and professional)?

I followed a scientific course, obtaining a Bac S option in mathematics, then I moved towards a DUT in computer science at the University of Orléans.

Then, I followed engineering training at the Ecole Centrale d’Electronique of Paris before returning to Olivet, as a design and development engineer at TX2 CONCEPT. Then moving to R&D Manager, still at TX2 CONCEPT.


What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Provide technical solutions to clients requests (internal or external) as well as to the various problems encountered.


What qualities are essential for your job?

Good organization and good interpersonal skills to lead the team. A good analytical mind and a good knowledge of English.


What advice would you give to a new employee?

It is essential to master your communication well within the team, but also within society.


If you had to describe TX2 CONCEPT in a few words?

A company on a human scale, close to its clients and expert in the field of EDI.


What is your best memory since your arrival in the company?

Perhaps the inter-company challenge at l’Ile Charlemagne in 2015. The challenge consisted of 3 relay sporting events (canoeing, mountain biking and running) and we were in teams of 4.


Can you reveal something about yourself that isn’t in your résumé?

Richard is not my original first name 🙂


Do not hesitate to consult our story to find out more about our company and our current recruitments. Also discover our various EDI and dematerialization solutions.

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